Every now and again we like to give a shout out to our amazing team members (only every now and again mind you, we don’t want it going to their heads), and this month it’s the turn of Projects Team Member Stephen ‘Mac’ McCormack.
Mac is primarily office based, which means he gets the unenviable job of corralling Director John and his engineering team, in order to organise our various structured cabling projects. Where many mere mortals would cower in terror however, Mac sets to with aplomb, thanks to extensive experience in the finance and pensions sector or, as he likes to call it, the ‘chasing people for information industry’.
Organised, dedicated and a total team player, Mac has really made his mark on Tinder since his first day back in March, and we’re extremely proud to have him as part of our growing team.
When asked how he was finding working with us (and we did warn him not to use too many four letter words), we were relieved to discover that Mac loves Tinder as much as Tinder loves him:
“I’m really enjoying working here. Even though it’s quite different from the work I’ve done previously I find myself thoroughly absorbed in every task and I hope that I can progress within the company over the years. Basically, this is the job I always wanted, even though I never knew it!”
So there you have it; one happy satisfied worker and we didn’t even have to bribe him. Thanks for the kind words Mac – we’re lucky to have you.