This time on Meet the Team, it’s the turn of Harry Kent, a Ganger on our First Fix team.
Network ganging involves combining multiple network interfaces into a single logical interface. We do this for various reasons, including load balancing, fault tolerance, and increased network bandwidth. Ganging allows us to aggregate the bandwidth of multiple network interfaces and provides redundancy in case one of them fails, meaning that Harry is one of the people responsible for providing our clients with continuous connection. His day to day work includes pulling cable and installing externals and internals on new build houses. He keeps a careful watch on other members of the team to ensure their safety, and prides himself on being an enthusiastic employee, and providing support and encouragement to those around him.
Harry came to us nearly a year ago, having previously worked as a plumber, but it’s safe to say that he’s found his niche and is hoping to work his way up the Tinder Corp ladder in years to come.
“My colleagues at Tinder Corp are brilliant – really friendly and always ready to have a laugh, even though they remain very professional throughout. Hopefully I can make the most of the experience I’m gaining, and use it to move up in the company”
Harry is a very active person and loves going to the gym and playing football in his spare time. He’s a massive Arsenal supporter, which may or may not endear him to you! But whatever team you support, we know that Harry is a valuable addition to ours.